
时间: 2024-06-05



【摘要】 上海金融法院关于金融市场案例测试机制的规定(试行)等信息最后更新时间为:2025-01-19。


第一章  总则部分

第二章  启动程序

第三章  审前程序

第四章  案例审理

第五章  配套机制

第一章  总则部分

第一条 为解决金融市场亟待明晰的重要、典型法律问题,满足金融改革创新对明确规则指引和法律风险压力测试的需求,防范金融风险,促进诉源治理,服务保障上海国际金融中心建设,依据最高人民法院发布的《关于人民法院支持和保障浦东新区高水平改革开放打造社会主义现代化建设引领区的意见》,结合上海金融法院(以下简称本院)工作实际,制定本规定。

第二条 案例测试机制是指金融机构、交易相对方等主体针对准备开展或正在开展的金融业务中具有前沿性、亟待法律明确且对金融市场具有重大影响的典型事实与法律问题而可能引发的纠纷,向本院申请进行案例测试,本院通过审理,向金融市场提供明确规则指引。


第三条 案例测试机制应遵循以下原则:






第二章  启动程序

第四条 金融交易相对方等主体达成合意,可向本院书面申请启动案例测试程序。


第五条 申请启动案例测试程序应同时具备以下条件:





第六条 当事人申请启动案例测试程序,应提交案例测试申请书。







第七条 测试案例的各方当事人原则上应委托律师担任代理人。


第八条 经本院审查,当事人申请符合案例测试条件的,予以登记受理。

第九条 本院受理测试案例,不收取费用。

第三章  审前程序

第十条 当事人除协商一致外不得就案例测试的程序性事项提出异议。

第十一条 测试案例的审理庭由具有丰富金融审判经验的法官及金融、法律等领域的专家组成,并在首次开庭前三日告知当事人审理庭的组成人员。


第十二条 被申请人应在收到申请书之日起十五日内提供书面答辩意见,申请人对答辩意见不服的,可在收到答辩意见之日起十日内提出反答辩。



第十三条 当事人应在测试案例受理之日起三十日内围绕测试案例基本事实和所涉法律争点提交相关证据和资料。




第十四条  审理庭应在审前召开审前会议,确认无争议事实,固定争议焦点。审前会议召开三日前通知当事人和其他相关方参加。

第十五条  在法庭辩论终结前,案外具有专门知识的个人或组织就与案例直接相关的重大法律争议问题,可通过本院网站公开提交书面意见。



第四章  案例审理

第十六条 案例测试采取争点审理模式,围绕审前会议固定的争议焦点逐一进行。各方当事人围绕争议焦点逐一阐述已方观点。

第十七条 各方当事人应结合现行法律法规及监管规定、自律规则和业务规则、一般法律原则、域外法律规定及司法判例、国际金融交易惯例等,对每个争议焦点有针对性地充分发表辩论意见。

第十八条 就案例所涉专业问题,经当事人申请或本院决定,指定具有相关专门知识的机构或人员提供书面意见、参与审理,经当事人申请的,相关费用由申请人负担,本院决定的,由本院决定相关费用的负担。

第十九条  审理庭评议案例应遵循共同参与、充分表述、独立表决、多数决定以及异议保留原则。


第二十条 测试案例司法意见书是本院通过审理程序就测试案例所涉法律行为性质、交易主体的权利义务等实体争议所做出的认定。


第二十一条 测试案例司法意见书应公开宣告,当事人应参加宣告程序。


第二十二条 测试案例所确定的规则供当事人开展同类金融业务及本院审理同类案件时参考。

第二十三条 对在本院提起诉讼的同类纠纷,本院可根据测试案例所确定的规则向争议各方提供诉讼风险评估,并引导其先行调解。

第五章  配套机制

第二十四条 本院充分运用信息化技术进行程序启动、审前准备、审理、宣告等工作,提升当事人及相关人员参与案例测试的便利度。

第二十五条 除依法不公开或公开有损当事人合法权益的情况外,测试案例的申请受理、审理庭组成、证据和资料、案例事实及争议焦点、代理意见、第三方意见、审理笔录、司法意见书等相关资料及程序信息,及时在本院网站公开。

第二十六条 本院就案例测试中发现的法律风险防范、金融消费者和投资者合法权益保护、监管机制完善等典型问题,及时制发司法建议。

第二十七条 本院与相关金融监管机构、金融行业自律组织、金融市场基础设施、金融消费者和投资者保护机构等加强沟通,建立合作机制,促进金融市场协同善治。

第二十八条 本规定自公布之日起试行,并由本院负责解释。

Shanghai Financial Court

Rules on Financial Markets Test Case Scheme

(For Trial Implementation)

Table of Contents

Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II   Initiation Procedure

Chapter III  Pretrial Procedure

Chapter IV  Trial of Test Cases                                             

Chapter V   Supporting Schemes

      Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1   These rules, made in accordance with the Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on the People’s Court Supporting and Ensuring the High-Level Reform and Opening Up of Pudong New Area and Building of a Leading Area for Socialist Modernization and in regard to the functions and responsibilities of the Shanghai Financial Court (the “Court”), are formulated to address the important, representative and pressing legal issues in the financial markets, meet the needs of financial reform and innovation for clear guidance on rules and stress testing of legal risks, prevent financial risks, facilitate the regulation of causes of action, and support the building of Shanghai into an international financial center.

Article 2   Test case scheme refers to the proceeding in which financial institutions, transacting parties, or other parties concerned petition to the Court to consider, as a test case, any dispute in relation to facts and legal issues with high relevance to the market that may arise from a proposed or ongoing cutting-edge financial activity which requires urgent legal clarification, and upon the hearing of which the Court provides clear guidance on the rules to the financial markets.

The test case scheme does not fall within the civil procedures, but can refer to the principles and spirits of the civil procedure regime.

Article 3      The test case scheme shall apply the following principles:

Adequate consultation. The parties to a test case shall, through consultation, agree  

on  the main facts and the issues of the case to fully, adequately, and expressly present the dispute between them.

Openness and transparency. Except where prohibited by law or detrimental to the rights and interests of the parties, test cases shall be tried openly by taking full advantage of the judicial technologies and the relevant information and materials shall be disclosed on a timely and complete basis.

Good faith. The parties to a test case shall cooperate with each other in good faith, focus on the substantive issues, and minimize the unnecessary procedural disputes to advance the hearing of the case.

Extensive participation. Non-parties such as relevant financial regulatory authorities, financial self-regulatory organizations, and industry experts may opine on a test case.

Prohibition of abuse. The parties to a test case shall not abuse the test case scheme. The Court will proactively review all necessary matters ex officio to maintain public order in the financial markets.

Chapter II  Initiation Procedure

 Article 4  The parties to a financial transaction and other parties concerned may, upon agreement, petition in writing to the Court to initiate a test case.

Financial regulatory authorities and financial self-regulatory organizations may provide guidance and assistance to the above parties in the petition process.

Article 5      All of the following conditions must be met to initiate a test case:

(1) The case pertains to a financial and commercial dispute;

(2) The parties have no dispute over the basic facts of the case;

(3) The underlying legal issues are specific and clear; and

(4) The underlying legal issues are significant and typical.

Article 6      Parties that intend to initiate a test case shall submit a test case application.

The application shall clearly state:

 (1) that the case is initiated under the test case scheme;

 (2) the specific claims for which the application is submitted;

 (3) the basic facts and legal issues of the test case;

 (4) the reasons that the underlying legal issues are significant and typical;

 (5) that the parties have reached a written consensus on initiating the test case and applying the rules of the test case scheme.

Article 7      The parties to a test case shall in principle retain attorneys to represent  

them  in the proceedings.

    The attorneys presenting the parties shall abide by the professional ethics and code of conduct; possess a good track record and extensive knowledge, skill, and experience in financial and commercial litigation; be familiar with financial innovations and practices at home and abroad and be able to prudently perform their duties as required by the test case scheme.

Article 8      The Court will register and accept a application if it meets the conditions for a test case.

Article 9       The Court charges no fees for acceptance of a test case.

Chapter III Pretrial Procedure

Article 10    The parties to a test case shall not raise objections to procedural matters unless they have agreed otherwise.

Article 11    The judicial panel for a test case shall comprise experienced financial judges and renowned experts from financial, legal, and other relevant fields. Members of the panel shall be notified to the parties to the case three days before the first hearing.

Any panel member who has an interest in the test case which may undermine a fair hearing shall disqualify himself from the case.

Article 12    The respondent in a test case shall, within fifteen days upon receiving  

the  application, submit a written statement of defense. Where the claimant objects to the statement of defense, it may within ten days of the receipt thereof submit a statement of reply.

The statements of defense and statements of reply shall include arguments on the

factual and legal issues of the test case and the detailed reasoning supporting those arguments.

Where the parties fail to raise and respond to defense on the merits of the case per

the preceding paragraphs, the Court may terminate the test case procedure

Article 13    The parties to a test case shall, within thirty days upon its acceptance, submit evidence and materials relevant to the basic facts and underlying legal issues of the case.


The relevant materials shall include but are not limited to the prevailing laws, regulations, and regulatory rules, self-regulatory rules and business rules, general legal principles, foreign laws and judicial precedents, international financial transaction practices, and all other materials relevant to the test case.


Any party that is not able to submit the evidence and materials within the above period shall request the Court within this period for an extension.


Any of the above evidence and materials whose disclosure is prohibited by law or may be detrimental to the rights and interests of the parties shall not be made public.


Article 14    The judicial panel to a test case shall hold a pretrial conference to confirm that there is no factual dispute and to finalize the issues of the case. The parties and other relevant parties shall be notified to attend the conference three days before it is held.


Article 15    Before the end of the oral argument phase of a test case, individuals and organizations who are not parties to the case but possess the relevant expertise may, through the website of the Court, publicly submit written opinions on the major legal issues directly related to the case.


The judicial panel may hear the opinions of competent regulatory authorities on issues relating to financial regulation.


The judicial panel for a test case may in its judicial opinion cite or respond to the written opinions of the non-parties.


Chapter IV Trial of Test Cases


Article 16    A test case is tried through a hearing of each of the issues finalized at the pretrial conference. Each party shall present its arguments on each issue.


Article 17    The parties to a test case shall, in the context of the prevailing laws, regulations, and regulatory rules, self-regulatory rules and business rules, general legal principles, foreign laws and judicial precedents, and international financial transaction practices, present adequate, relevant argument on each of the issues.


Article 18    For the specialized issues in a test case, the Court may, upon request of the parties or its own decision ex officio, designate organizations or individuals with relevant expertise to provide written opinions and participate in the trial. Relevant fees shall be borne by the parties if the designation is made by their request, or by such parties as determined by the Court if it is made based on the Court’s decision ex officio.


Article 19   In deliberating a test case, the judicial panel shall ensure joint participation of members, adequate representation of their views, independent voting, majority decision, and preservation of dissenting opinions.


A test case shall be submitted to the Court’s Specialized Committee of Judges for discussion and decision.


Article 20    The judicial opinion for a test case refers to the ruling of the Court, made following the hearing process, as to the nature of the juridical acts in the case, the rights and obligations of the transaction parties, and other substantive issues.


The judicial opinion shall make it clear that the case in question is a test case and provide the specific reasons for selecting the case as such. The judicial opinion shall, based on the facts of the case and the legal issues in dispute among the parties, and giving full consideration to such imperatives as encouraging and regulating financial innovations, preventing financial risks, and protecting the rights and interests of financial consumers and investors, provide adequate and thorough reasoning for its holding.


Article 21    The judicial opinion for a test case shall be publicly pronounced before the parties.


The Court may invite relevant non-parties to attend the pronouncement process.


Article 22    The rules determined in test cases serve as a reference for similar financial transactions of the parties and the adjudication of similar cases by the Court.


Article 23    Where a party files an action in the Court over a dispute similar to one already resolved in test cases, the Court may provide the party an assessment of the risks of the action based on the rules determined in those test cases and encourage it to first pursue mediation.


Chapter V  Supporting Schemes


Article 24   The Court makes full use of information technologies for test case initiation, pretrial preparation, hearing procedure and pronouncement of judicial opinions to facilitate the parties and relevant persons to participate in the case test.


Article 25   Except where prohibited by law or detrimental to the rights and interests of the parties, the Court shall timely disclose on its website the materials and procedural information relating to the petition for and acceptance of test cases, composition of the judicial panel, evidence and materials, facts and issues in dispute, the parties’ arguments, non-parties’ opinions, trial transcripts, and judicial opinions.


Article 26   The Court will timely prepare and publish judicial advice on the typical issues identified in test cases such as those relating to the prevention of legal risks, protection of financial consumers and investors, and improvement of regulatory regimes.


Article 27    The Court will enhance communication and establish frameworks with relevant financial regulatory authorities, financial self-regulatory organizations, financial market infrastructures, financial consumers,and investors protection organizations to jointly promote the healthy development of the financial markets.


Article 28    These rules take effect on a trial basis as of the date of publication. The Court reserves the right to interpret these rules.

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